Q: What Are Performance Strategies?
A: A PERFORMANCE is the execution of an action. For example, walking is an action which you perform. Driving is an action which you perform. Talking in an action, etc. Many actions you carry out on a daily basis are executed without thought. Some of them require a great deal of thought - maybe even some strategy - such as getting dressed for a particular occasion, speaking to a group of people, creating a team, - you get the picture.
Performance Strategies relate to the high level plans you develop and/or learn in order to execute an action. For example, when there are uncertain conditions along the path of the action you have chosen to execute, you may take a moment to plan the best way to execute it.
Here's a practical example: : If you had to walk across a busy Manhattan street without using the crosswalks, you would have to plan your way across without being knocked down by a moving vehicle.
During your career or while running a business, your success is limited without Performance Strategies. The need for Performance Strategies exist in every aspect of our working and personal lives.
Q: Does The Performance Strategist Only Work With Executives?
A: No. The Performance Strategist works with a select number of Executive and Non-Executive clients each quarter. There are customized programs available for different roles and requirements.
Q: My Life Is Changing Around Me - How Can The Performance Strategist Help Me?
A: The Performance Strategist shows you how to identify and control the transition processes in your life. This could be a career transition, entering a new culture, familial changes or a combination of several transitions.
Q: I am Not a Business Owner - Why Do I Need To Know About Branding?
A: Owning your online identity is a key aspect of being able to personally brand yourself. The Performance Strategist can show you how to identify and take control of your current online identity (reputation) and help you create your own personal brand online and in person.
Q: What Kind Of Speaking Engagements Does The Performance Strategist Accept?
A: Panel Discussions, Workshops, Corporate Training, Youth Empowerment. Click here for specific info.
Q: Does The Performance Strategist Accept Payment Arrangements?
A: Clients are addressed confidentially on an individual basis and there are certain options available on a case-by-case basis.